Certified Recovery Specialist/ Certified Family Recovery Specialist 78-Hour Training Curriculum
The Certified Recovery Specialist (CRS) assists others in recovery from substance use disorders. Those with direct experience in addiction and recovery are welcome to register for this program.
The Certified Family Recovery Specialist (CFRS) assists family members who have been directly impacted by their own family member or loved one’s substance use disorder. Those with direct experience of being impacted by a family member or loved one with a substance use disorder are welcome to register for this program.
The program is designed to meet the current educational requirements for the CRS and CFRS credentials as set forth by the Pennsylvania Certification Board (PCB).
Topics Include:
- History of Recovery and Substance Use Disorder
- Multiple Definitions of Recovery
- The Role of the Recovery Specialist
- Communication and Professional Skills
- Motivational Interviewing
- Stages of Change
- Ethical Responsibility and Professionalism
- Substance Use Knowledge
- Co-Occurring Disorders and Mental Health Knowledge
- Recovery Planning and Collaboration
- Non-Clinical Recovery Support Groups
- Digital Recovery Support
- Advocacy
- Cultural Competency
- Safety and Self-Care
This course is currently on hold.
CRS and CFRS Requirements:
This program provides participants with the required 78 hours of education needed to apply for the CRS or the CFRS credential. Please note that Penn State Mont Alto is the education provider only and our training is one part of the larger process to become a successful CRS or CFRS.
For individuals to become a CRS, they must meet the Pennsylvania Certification Board (PCB) requirements which include:
- High school diploma or GED
- Successful completion of the Certified Recovery Specialist/ Certified Family Recovery Specialist – 78 Hour Training Curriculum
- 18 months of sustained personal lived recovery
- A 1000-word statement describing personal lived experience with addiction and recovery and history of sustained recovery
- Application to the Pennsylvania Certification Board, payment of fee, and successful completion of the CRS exam
- Signing of an ethical code of conduct
- For individuals to become a CFRS, they must meet the Pennsylvania Certification Board (PCB) requirements which include:
- High school diploma or GED
- Successful completion of the Certified Recovery Specialist/ Certified Family Recovery Specialist – 78 Hour Training Program
- History of lived experience of being directly impacted by a family member or loved one’s substance use disorder
- A 1000-word statement describing lived experience of being impacted by a family member or loved one’s substance use disorder and navigating of systems, accessing of resources, and what family recovery means personally
- Three letters of reference/ character as described by the PCB
- Application to the Pennsylvania Certification Board and payment of the fee
- The signing of an ethical code of conduct
For More Information
To register or request more information, call 717-749-4118 or complete the online form below.
Many U.S. states and territories require professional licensure /certification to be employed. If you plan to pursue employment in a licensed profession after completing this program, please visit the Professional Licensure/Certification Disclosures by State interactive map: victorybreastimaging.com/state-licensure-disclosures